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Zaden Talks DevSecOps

What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps is short for development, security, and operations.The purpose of DevSecOps is to combine and automate software development, security, and IT operations from the start and at every phase in the software development lifecycle. The implementation of DevSecOps has a vast amount of benefits including cost-effectiveness; rapid, high-quality software delivery; proactive security; accelerated security vulnerability patching; and automation through a repeatable and adaptive process.

DevSecOps Requirements:

DevSecOps is an evolution in the way developers and organizations approach security.For that reason, it is no surprise that there is a growing need for its implementation.More and more government and commercial agencies are modernizing their IT through DevSecOps practices.Zaden Technologies offers a team of experts to help address and automate all of your DevSecOps needs. Our team is versed in various DevSecOps tools to include: Terraform, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Istio, Kubernetes, Helm, and Docker/Podman.

Zaden is Your DevSecOps Solution:

Zaden Technologies is an industry leader in software automation solutions. We help streamline development workflows, product automation, and capability deployment. Our data scientists and engineers work collaboratively to provide adaptive machine learning applications, bring legacy applications to modern standards, and deploy predictive, highly available workloads to various operational environments. Our customers use Zaden to lower costs and improve efficiency across their business and program operations.

Zaden's DevSecOps Expertise:

The Zaden team specializes in containerization, orchestration, cloud-native, continuous integration, continuous delivery, continuous deployment, canary & dark releases, shadow deployments, A/B testing, blue/green deployment, circuit breaking, mutual TLS, fault injection, traffic tracing, and active monitoring.


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What is DevSecOps, Infrastructure-as-Code, Software Factory, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Day 2 operations, Kubernetes, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), Software Scalability, Cloud Transformation, Machine Learning, Cyber Hardened, End-to-end automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Compliance regulations, Agile Methodologies, AI, Amazon Cloud Security Issues, API, Application Programming Interface, Application security assessment, Application security requirements, Art of the Possible, Artificial Intelligence, Attack surface, Auditability, Automation, AWS, AWS DevSecOps, Azure, B2B, Back End, Big Data, Blockchain, Build, Business to Business, Canary Build, Chain of custody, Checkmarx Gartner, CI/CD, Cloud Native, Cloud Transformation, Code Dependencies, Collaboration, Compliance, Compliance regulations, Configuration drift, Containerization, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, Continuous security testing, Cost reduction, Culture, Customer Experience, Cyber Hardened, Dashboards, Data loss prevention, Day 2 operations, Deep Learning, Defense Industry, Delivery, Development, DevOps, DevSecOps aws, DevSecOps Consultants, DevSecOps tools, DevSecOps wiki, Digital Core, Digital Journey, Digital Transformation, Docker, DoD, Domain Transformation, Embedded Security, End-to-end automation, End-to-end-flexibility, Endpoint security, enterprise application security, Enterprise Solution, Front End, Fullstack, Future Proof, Gartner DevSecOps, Google Cloud, Governance, Holistic automation, Identity and access management, Infrastructure-as-a-Platform, Infrastructure-as-Code, Innovation, Internet of Things, Instantly Depolyable, IoT, IT Infrastructure, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Lifecycle management, Linux, Machine Learning, Maturity model, Microservices, Monitoring, Monolith, Observability, On-Premise Development, Operations, Passwordless authentication, Penetration testing, Perimeter security, Product, lifecycle, Python, Resiliency, Risk management, SaaS, Scalable Solution, SDLC, SecDevOps, Security, Security conscientious, Security information and event management, Security posture, Security-as-code, serverless, Shift Left, Siloed security, Software, Software Architecture, Software Consultants, Software Development, Software Development LifeCycle, Software Factory, Software planning and design, Software Platform, Software Scalability, Software-as-a-Service, Speed, Speed of Delivery, Strategic Agility, Technology Insights, Threat modeling, Threat vectors, Time-to-Delivery, Time-to-Market, Toolchain, Traceability, Version Control, Visibility, Vulnerabilities in web application, What is DevSecOps, Zero Trust Provisioning, Agile Methodologies, AI, Amazon Cloud Security Issues, API, Application Programming Interface, Application security assessment, Application security requirements, Art of the Possible, Artificial Intelligence, Attack surface, Auditability, Automation, AWS
AWS DevSecOps, Azure, B2B, Back End, Big Data, Blockchain, Build, Business to Business, Canary Build, Chain of custody, Checkmarx Gartner, CI/CD, Cloud Native, Cloud Transformation, Code Dependencies, Collaboration, Compliance, Compliance regulations, Configuration drift, Containerization, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, Continuous security testing, Cost reduction, Culture, Customer Experience, Cyber Hardened, Dashboards, Data loss prevention, Day 2 operations, Deep Learning, Defense Industry, Delivery, Development, DevOps, DevSecOps, DevSecOps aws, DevSecOps Consultants, DevSecOps tools, DevSecOps wiki, Digital Core, Digital Journey, Digital Transformation, Docker, DoD, Domain Transformation, Embedded Security, End-to-end automation, End-to-end-flexibility, Endpoint security
enterprise application security, Enterprise Solution, Front End ,Fullstack, Future Proof, Gartner DevSecOps, Google Cloud, Governance, Holistic automation, Identity and access management, Infrastructure-as-a-Platform, Infrastructure-as-Code, Innovation, Internet of Things, Instantly Depolyable, IoT, IT Infrastructure, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Lifecycle management, Linux, Machine Learning, Maturity model, Microservices, Monitoring, Monolith, Observability, On-Premise Development, Operations, Passwordless authentication, Penetration testing, Perimeter security, Product lifecycle, Python, Resiliency, Risk management, SaaS, Scalable Solution, SDLC, SecDevOps, Security, Security conscientious, Security information and event management, Security posture, Security-as-code, Serverless, Shift Left, Siloed security, Software, Software Architecture, Software Consultants, Software Development, Software Development LifeCycle, Software Factory, Software planning and design, Software Platform, Software Scalability, Software-as-a-Service, Speed, Speed of Delivery, Strategic Agility, Technology Insights, Threat modeling, Threat vectors, Time-to-Delivery, Time-to-Market, Toolchain, Traceability, Version Control, Visibility, Vulnerabilities in web application, Zero Trust Provisioning

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